A. Structure
The FFI descriptor for FFI 2310: two real independent variables,
one unbounded and one bounded with its number of values, base value, and constant
defined in the auxiliary variable list; primary variables are real; auxiliary
variables are real.
The file structure (pseudocode) described by the Ames format document looks
like this:
[ XNAME(s) ] s=1,2
[ VSCAL(n), n=1,NV ]
[ VMISS(n), n=1,NV ]
[ VNAME(n) ] n=1,NV
NAUXV ............first 3* auxil. var. are NX(m,1),X(1,m,1),DX(m,1)
[ ASCAL(a), a=1,NAUXV ]
[ AMISS(a), a=1,NAUXV ]
[ ANAME(a) ] a=1,NAUXV
[ SCOM(k) ] k=1,NSCOML
[ NCOM(k) ] k=1,NNCOML
[ X(m,2) NX(m,1) X(1,m,1) DX(m,1) ( A(m,a), a=4**,
[ V(i,m,n), i=1,NX(m,1) ] n=1,NV
Let’s break it down line-by-line:
The first 7 lines are identical to FFI 1001 file type and described in Section
DX(2): this is the sampling interval for the unbounded independent variable
(e.g., UTC); the same details/restrictions apply as they do to the sampling
interval in FFI 1001 file type.
[ XNAME(s) ] s=1,2: here you list the names for the 2 independent
variables starting with the bounded variable (e.g., GeoAltitude), then the
unbounded variable (e.g., UTC).
NV: represents the total number of Primary variables. ALL Primary variables
are arrays.
[ VSCAL(n), n=1,NV ] : analogous to FFI 1001 file type.
[ VMISS(n), n=1,NV ] : analogous to FFI 1001 file type.
[ VNAME(n) ] n=1,NV: analogous to FFI 1001 file type.
NAUXV ............first 3* auxil. var.
are NX(m,1),X(1,m,1),DX(m,1): total number of Auxiliary variables; where the
first 3* are:
- NX(m,1) = Dimension; total number of values for Primary variables (i.e.,
array size)
- X(1,m,1) = Base value of the bounded variable.
- DX(m,1) = Increment value of the bounded variable.
Therefore, we can now construct ALL bounded variable’s values using:
X(i,m,1) = X(1,m,1) + (i-1) * DX(m,1) for i=1,NX(m,1). Simplified,
Value[i] = baseValue + (i * increment), where i=0 to arraySize-1
Note: if the bounded variable’s increment is non-constant, then
enter –9’s
(missing flag) for its base and increment values. In this case, the FIRST
Primary Variable (array) should contain the bounded variable values.
[ ASCAL(a), a=1,NAUXV ]: analogous to Primary variables description (see above)
[ AMISS(a), a=1,NAUXV ]: analogous to Primary variables description (see above)
[ ANAME(a) ] a=1,NAUXV: analogous to Primary variables description (see above)
[ SCOM(k) ] k=1,NSCOML: analogous to FFI 1001 file type
[ NCOM(k) ] k=1,NNCOML: analogous to FFI 1001 file type
The Data Section:
[ X(m,2) NX(m,1) X(1,m,1) DX(m,1) ( A(m,a), a=4**,
[ V(i,m,n), i=1,NX(m,1) ] n=1,NV
Each data record contains UTC, Auxiliary and Primary variables:
- Each data record always begins with UTC; the next 3 values
after UTC are the Primary variable(s)’ dimension, the bounded
variable base value, and the bounded variable increment value, respectively.
The values after that thru NAUXV are the rest of the Auxiliary variables. All
of these values from UTC to NAUXV are listed on one line.
- The next line lists ALL values (in array) for the first Primary variable.
- Then, the line after that lists ALL values for the second Primary variable;
and so on until ALL “NV” Primary variables are listed. Please remember
there is no limit on the number of char's per line; so DO
NOT break arrays into multiple lines. The array size must be the
same for all Primary variables.
* {when Start/Stop/Mid-point
Sampling Intervals used: the 3* becomes "5";
and variables are listed as follows: UTC_Stop, UTC_Mid, NX(m,1), X(1,m,1),
** {when Start/Stop/Mid-point Sampling Intervals
used: the 4** becomes "6"}.
In the Header Normal Section, please include all KEYWORD/VALUE pairs.
If LODs are to be used, then try to use one ULOD_FLAG and one LLOD_FLAG for
all parameters. Also to remember that LODs DO NOT apply to Independent variables.
For example (Header Normal Section):
ULOD_FLAG: -7777 (i.e., ALL parameters will use –7777 for
their ULOD_FLAG)
ULOD_VALUE: ulod_Vi-2, ulod_Vi-1; ulod_Vi;
ulod_Vi+1; ulod_Vi+2; ulod_Vi+3; . . . . ; ulod_Vn-1; ulod_Vn
{if Start/Stop/Mid-point Sampling Intervals used, then
enter N/A; N/A; for UTC_Stop and UTC_Mid (i.e.: ulod_Vi-2;ulod_Vi-1= NA;NA;)}
ulod_Vi = ULOD_arraySize (normally, this will be N/A;)
ulod_Vi+1 = ULOD_boundedVar_Base
ulod_Vi+2 = ULOD_boundedVar_Increment
ulod_Vi+3 = ULOD_NextAuxVar
ulod_Vn-1 = ULOD_BeforeLast_PRIMARY_VAR
Use similar procedure for LLODs. Enter N/A for variables that do not use LODs.
Below are 2 examples for clarification.
EXAMPLE [Equal Intervals Sampling]
File name: AD_DC8_20040129_r0.ict
59, 2310
NASA Langley Research Center
DC-8 GSFC/LaRC Lidar aerosol scattering ratios and depolarization
SOLVE II-File For Testing
1, 1
2004, 1, 29, 2004, 2, 16
GeoAlt, km, Geometric_altitude_of_observation
UTC, seconds, UT_time_from_00_hours_on_flight_date
0.0001, 0.001, 0.0001, 1.E-9, 1.E-9, 0.0001
-9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999
TScatRatio532[], #, Total_Scattering_Ratio_{532nm=((aerosol+molecular-backscatter)/(molecular-backscatter))}
TScatRatio1064[], #, Total_Scattering_Ratio_{1064nm=((aerosol+molecular-backscatter)/(molecular-backscatter))}
AerDepRatio532nm[], #, Aerosol_Depolarization_Ratio_{532nm=((perpendicular-aerosol-backscatter)/(parallel-aerosol-backscatter))}
AerBkScatCoef532[], (1/km-sr), Aerosol_Backscatter_Coefficient_at_532nm
AerBkScatCoef1064[], (1/km-sr), Aerosol_Backscatter_Coefficient_at_1064nm
Log10_MolDensity[], #/cc, Log10_of_molecular_density_used_in_analysis
1.0, 0.001, 0.001, 1.0, 1.0, 0.01, 1.0, 0.01, 0.0001
-999, -99999, -999, -9999, -999, -9999, -999, -9999, -999999
NumAlt, number, Number_of_altitude_levels
GeoAltAC, km, Geometric_altitude_at_which_data_begins
AltIncre, km, Altitude_increment
ProfileNum, Number, Profile_numbe_starting_at_0
N_Lat, degrees, latitude_North
LatMin, minutes, Latitude
E_lon, degrees, Longitude_East
LonMin, minutes, Longitude
MolDepRatio, #, Molecular_depolarization_ratio_{dpolM=(perpendicular-aerosol-backscatter)/(parallel-aerosol-backscatter))}
Data products were interpolated onto a uniform vertical grid based on GPS
geometric altitude. The vertical resolution is 75 meters.
Molecular density profiles derived from the DAO data sets were used in
retrieval of the lidar data products.
Reanalysis of the data set for improvements in quality and resolution will
occur as funding permits. Researchers interested in using this data should
contact Chris Hostetler for the latest update (Chris.A.Hostetler@NASA.gov).
PI_CONTACT_INFO: Address: 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305; email: Chris.A.Hostetler@NASA.gov
LOCATION: Lat, Lon, and Alt included in the data records
INSTRUMENT_INFO: Molecular depolarization ratio
DATA_INFO: dpolM=(perpendicular aerosol backscatter)/(parallel aerosol backscatter)
UNCERTAINTY: Enter uncertainty description here
ULOD_FLAG: -7777
LLOD_FLAG: -8888
PROJECT_INFO: Test File; April 15 2004
STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: Use of these data requires PRIOR OK from the PI
R0: No comments for this revision.
UTC, NumAlt, GeoAltAC, AltIncre, ProfileNum, N_Lat, LatMin, E_Lon,
LonMin, MolDepRatio, TScatRatio532[], TScatRatio1064[], AerDepRatio532nm[],
AerBkScatCoef532[], AerBkScatCoef1064[], Log10_MolDensity[]
32385, 10, 11325, 075, 0, 69, 229, 5, 1140, 156
10871, 10868, 10879, 10902, 10907, 10876, 10854, 10860, 10843, 10839
1166, 1174, 1182, 1183, 1179, 1175, 1175, 1178, 1186, 1189
-9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, 159, 164
33611, 33085, 33116, 33579, 33373, 31866, 30698, 30549, 29585, 29128
3871, 4026, 4161, 4121, 3990, 3856, 3803, 3824, 3947, 3981
188028, 187977, 187926, 187875, 187824, 187772, 187721, 187670, 187619, 187568
32445, 15, 11325, 075, 1, 69, 703, 4, 3777, 156
10835, 10839, 10861, 10870, 10886, 10872, 10851, 10845, 10829, 10822, 10799, 10783, 10774, 10782, 10780
1201, 1210, 1217, 1218, 1214, 1213, 1219, 1219, 1217, 1220, 1212, 1212, 1212, 1213, 1220
-9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, 159, 163, 168, 173, 178, 181, 190
32207, 31984, 32447, 32391, 32584, 31715, 30597, 30011, 29093, 28513, 27395, 26527, 25939, 25875, 25521
4687, 4858, 4941, 4911, 4767, 4695, 4772, 4704, 4624, 4614, 4409, 4345, 4303, 4261, 4365
188026, 187975, 187924, 187873, 187822, 187771, 187720, 187669, 187619, 187568, 187517, 187466, 187415, 187364, 187313
32505, 13, 11325, 075, 2, 69, 1027, 4, 1834, 156
10835, 10839, 10861, 10870, 10886, 10872, 10851, 10845, 10829, 10822, 10799, 10783, 10774
1201, 1210, 1217, 1218, 1214, 1213, 1219, 1219, 1217, 1220, 1212, 1212, 1212
-9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, 159, 163, 168, 173, 178
32207, 31984, 32447, 32391, 32584, 31715, 30597, 30011, 29093, 28513, 27395, 26527, 25939
4687, 4858, 4941, 4911, 4767, 4695, 4772, 4704, 4624, 4614, 4409, 4345, 4303
188026, 187975, 187924, 187873, 187822, 187771, 187720, 187669, 187619, 187568, 187517, 187466, 187415
32565, 0, 11325, 075, 2, 69, 1027, 4, 1834, 156
EXAMPLE [Start/Stop/Mid-point Intervals Sampling]
File name: AD_J31_20040129_r0.ict
61, 2310
NASA Langley Research Center
DC-8 GSFC/LaRC Lidar aerosol scattering ratios and depolarization
SOLVE II-File For Testing
1, 1
2004, 1, 29, 2004, 2, 16
GeoAlt, km, Geometric_altitude_of_observation
UTC, seconds, UT_time_from_00_hours_on_flight_date
0.0001, 0.001, 0.0001, 1.E-9, 1.E-9, 0.0001
-9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999
TScatRatio532[], #, Total_Scattering_Ratio_{532nm=((aerosol+molecular-backscatter)/(molecular-backscatter))}
TScatRatio1064[], #, Total_Scattering_Ratio_{1064nm=((aerosol+molecular-backscatter)/(molecular-backscatter))}
AerDepRatio532nm[], #, Aerosol_Depolarization_Ratio_{532nm=((perpendicular-aerosol-backscatter)/(parallel-aerosol-backscatter))}
AerBkScatCoef532[], (1/km-sr), Aerosol_Backscatter_Coefficient_at_532nm
AerBkScatCoef1064[], (1/km-sr), Aerosol_Backscatter_Coefficient_at_1064nm
Log10_MolDensity[], #/cc, Log10_of_molecular_density_used_in_analysis
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.001, 0.001, 1.0, 1.0, 0.01, 1.0, 0.01, 0.0001
-999, -999, -999, -99999, -999, -9999, -999, -9999, -999, -9999, -999999
StopUTC, seconds
MidUTC, seconds
NumAlt, number, Number_of_altitude_levels
GeoAltAC, km, Geometric_altitude_at_which_data_begins
AltIncre, km, Altitude_increment
ProfileNum, Number, Profile_numbe_starting_at_0
N_Lat, degrees, latitude_North
LatMin, minutes, Latitude
E_lon, degrees, Longitude_East
LonMin, minutes, Longitude
MolDepRatio, #, Molecular_depolarization_ratio_{dpolM=(perpendicular-aerosol-backscatter)/(parallel-aerosol-backscatter))}
Data products were interpolated onto a uniform vertical grid based on GPS
geometric altitude. The vertical resolution is 75 meters.
Molecular density profiles derived from the DAO data sets were used in
retrieval of the lidar data products.
Reanalysis of the data set for improvements in quality and resolution will
occur as funding permits. Researchers interested in using this data should
contact Chris Hostetler for the latest update (Chris.A.Hostetler@NASA.gov).
PI_CONTACT_INFO: Address: 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305; email: Chris.A.Hostetler@NASA.gov
LOCATION: Lat, Lon, and Alt included in the data records
INSTRUMENT_INFO: Molecular depolarization ratio
DATA_INFO: dpolM=(perpendicular aerosol backscatter)/(parallel aerosol backscatter)
UNCERTAINTY: Enter uncertainty description here
ULOD_FLAG: -7777
LLOD_FLAG: -8888
PROJECT_INFO: Test File; April 15 2004
STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: Use of these data requires PRIOR OK from the PI
R0: No comments for this revision.
UTC, StopUTC, MidUTC, NumAlt, GeoAltAC, AltIncre, ProfileNum, N_Lat, LatMin, E_Lon, LonMin, MolDepRatio, TScatRatio532[], TScatRatio1064[], AerDepRatio532nm[],
AerBkScatCoef532[], AerBkScatCoef1064[], Log10_MolDensity[]
32385, 32440, 32400, 10, 11325, 075, 0, 69, 229, 5, 1140, 156
10871, 10868, 10879, 10902, 10907, 10876, 10854, 10860, 10843, 10839
1166, 1174, 1182, 1183, 1179, 1175, 1175, 1178, 1186, 1189
-9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, 159, 164
33611, 33085, 33116, 33579, 33373, 31866, 30698, 30549, 29585, 29128
3871, 4026, 4161, 4121, 3990, 3856, 3803, 3824, 3947, 3981
188028, 187977, 187926, 187875, 187824, 187772, 187721, 187670, 187619, 187568
32442, 32505, 32475, 15, 11325, 075, 1, 69, 703, 4, 3777, 156
10835, 10839, 10861, 10870, 10886, 10872, 10851, 10845, 10829, 10822, 10799, 10783, 10774, 10782, 10780
1201, 1210, 1217, 1218, 1214, 1213, 1219, 1219, 1217, 1220, 1212, 1212, 1212, 1213, 1220
-9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, 159, 163, 168, 173, 178, 181, 190
32207, 31984, 32447, 32391, 32584, 31715, 30597, 30011, 29093, 28513, 27395, 26527, 25939, 25875, 25521
4687, 4858, 4941, 4911, 4767, 4695, 4772, 4704, 4624, 4614, 4409, 4345, 4303, 4261, 4365
188026, 187975, 187924, 187873, 187822, 187771, 187720, 187669, 187619, 187568, 187517, 187466, 187415, 187364, 187313
32510, 32560, 32525, 13, 11325, 075, 2, 69, 1027, 4, 1834, 156
10835, 10839, 10861, 10870, 10886, 10872, 10851, 10845, 10829, 10822, 10799, 10783, 10774
1201, 1210, 1217, 1218, 1214, 1213, 1219, 1219, 1217, 1220, 1212, 1212, 1212
-9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, -9999999, 159, 163, 168, 173, 178
32207, 31984, 32447, 32391, 32584, 31715, 30597, 30011, 29093, 28513, 27395, 26527, 25939
4687, 4858, 4941, 4911, 4767, 4695, 4772, 4704, 4624, 4614, 4409, 4345, 4303
188026, 187975, 187924, 187873, 187822, 187771, 187720, 187669, 187619, 187568, 187517, 187466, 187415