NASA -National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Tropospheric Chemistry Integrated Data Ceneter

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Data Archive

Archive Status FASMEE 2023 Archive Status

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    FASMEE Logo

    The Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment (FASMEE) is a multi-agency, interdisciplinary collaborative effort to identify and collect critical measurements of fuels, fire behavior, fire energy, meteorology, smoke, and fire effects that will be used to evaluate and advance operational-used fire and smoke models. These data will promote science advancement that will give us a better understanding of wildland fire including how a fire behaves, the production and spread of smoke, and fire effects. This knowledge will promotes better prediction of the spread of smoke and the effects on people's health, firefighter health and safety and aids in the allocation of firefighting resources. Data collection has been initiated on large wildfires and prescribed fires within the Western Wildfire and Southwest field campaigns, and the 5-year study plan extends these data collection efforts over large prescribed burn units until 2028.

    FASMEE Project Measurement Platforms

    NASA - National Aeronautics and Space
    Curator: Ali Aknan
    NASA Official: Dr. Gao Chen

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