Data Archive: MOOSE 2021
Mission Overview:
Southeast Michigan (SEMI) was previously designated as Nonattainment of the U.S. federal ozone standard and many locations in southern Ontario also frequently exceed the Canadian ambient air quality standard for ozone.
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) seeks potential attainment strategies for the SEMI area. EGLE and their partners at Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP),
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also want to better understand what contributes to elevated ozone levels in this Border region. To investigate,
regulatory and scientific agencies including EGLE, MECP, the U.S. EPA, ECCC, NASA, and other partners, are conducting the Michigan-Ontario Ozone Source Experiment (MOOSE) in 2021 and 2022.
More details about the study can be found in the MOOSE Science Plan »
Monitoring sites and 2018-2020 ozone design values in SEMI nonattainment counties.
MOOSE consists of three sub-experiments with the following objectives:
Great Lakes Meteorology and Ozone Recirculation (GLAMOR)
- Assess complex 3D flows associated with lake breeze circulations, the urban heat island (UHI) and ozone and ozone precursor transport
- Track the influence of urban emissions and land-lake breezes on urban oxidative capacity through nitrous acid (HONO) and related reactive nitrogen species
- Determine the conceptual framework for ozone exceedances in the Border region
- Select representative ozone episodes for each identified mesoscale pattern for model base case periods of future ozone attainment demonstrations
- Conduct modeling and data analyses in support of an ozone attainment demonstration or ozone exceptional event demonstration.
Chemical Source Signatures (CHESS)
- Characterize the ozone precursor signatures at key monitoring stations, emission plumes from point sources, area sources, and major industrial sectors and their impacts on ozone design values and horizontal variations of NOx and VOCS
- Develop emission source fingerprints for the most important industrial facilities and source sectors
- Perform air quality modeling, receptor modeling, source apportionment, and ozone culpability analyses to improve emission inventories and inform potential control strategies.
Methane Releases from Landfills and Gas Lines (MERLIN)
- Determine the natural gas leakage rate of pipeline or other infrastructure in SEMI
- Quantify methane, formaldehyde, and other emissions from landfills in the Border region
- Determine the contributions of large methane sources to ozone exceedances in the Border region, thereby informing potential control strategies.